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The Garden of Eden was where man began to walk and talk with God. It was a place of profound beauty and abundance.
Mankind was to have Dominion over the earth. Dominion means to protect & to serve. We are God’s ambassadors in this world.
Gods Covenant has always included land. Our care & cultivation of it is significant to God.
Paradise Lost
Mankind has stepped away in large part from his stewardship responsibility, and the earth and creation has suffered as a result.

We Provide Practical “Hands On” Discipleship Training

Jesus, during His time on the earth spoke about the kingdom of God more than any other subject with His early disciples. At Our School in Vero Beach Florida, you’ll learn about the kingdom of God, and how to walk it out in what we call “Kingdom Living.” This takes place in our classroom, on our grounds, and within our local community.  Here, you’ll learn how to exercise the authority God has given you in advancing His kingdom as His son through healing the sick, as well caring for all that He has made. We will also show you how you can steward a small piece of land in such a way that it will yield produce in abundance, so much so, that you’ll have more than enough for your family, as well as your friends and neighbors. We also teach about the theology of the dinner table as a powerful evangelistic tool in building life long redemptive relationships with others. Your understanding of the Spiritual & Physical realms will revolutionize how you think about God, yourself, as well as the entire world around you!

Our Creator & His Creation

God has revealed Himself though the beautiful & wondrous things that He has made, so much so, that people have been tempted in worshipping the creation rather than the very One who made it!  The magnificent creative works of God’s hands reveals the beauty & glory of both His nature & His character. We enjoy showing how God has revealed Himself through the light of His Creation. It all points toward Him!

What Happened to Faith & Farming?

Franchise Faith, as well as Factory Farming has taught us all powerful lessons about the laws of diminishing returns. At Eden Homestead, you’ll learn how to take back what was always been intended to be our birthright as sons of God. Eden Homestead is a supplement, and a resource not only for the faith community, but also for all those who visit our grounds to learn more about Nature and Permaculture.

Cultivating a Harvest

The principles surrounding Harvests are relevant in both the Physical and Spiritual Realms. When you discover the significance of both realms, and the paralleling realities associated in each, you will begin to experience a radical transformation in both your understanding, as well as your world view and effectiveness as a Redemptive Steward and as a Child of God. The Garden that God planted East of Eden was a classroom for Adam & Eve, and it’s no different for us here at Eden Homestead.

Come and join us! …You’ll be amazed at what you discover!

What We Have To Offer

We have much to offer those who sign up for our Discipleship Training Courses. At Eden Homestead, you’ll be both challenged, and changed by what we have to offer by the way of mentoring, training, and executing, through our active “hands on’ approach. Your perspective regarding God’s kingdom will be broadened, and your life will become more seasoned as you draw even closer in your relationship to the Giver of Life.

Please bear with us as we continue to develop and grow our website.

Discipleship Training
Discipleship Training
We offer Training Weekends for those who want to grow deeper in their relationship with our Lord. See our Events page for training course offerings.
Kingdom Living
Kingdom Living
Learn the importance of the Great Command, and why it precedes the Great Commission!
Redemptive Stewardship
Redemptive Stewardship
Learn about Redemptive Stewardship for soil & soul. The principles of sowing and reaping can yield an abundance, which you can leverage toward building a kingdom community in your town, or city.
Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers Needed!
Learn about how volunteering can be transformative for lives and your local community!
Learn about the principles of Permaculture, and how you can transform a landscape into your own garden of eden!
Dinner & Redemption
Dinner & Redemption
Learn about how your table can become a very powerful and meaningful catalyst in building God’s Kingdom.

Our Projects

Here are some of the many projects going on at our campus in Vero Beach Florida. Please consider being part of this growing & developing life giving hub, where people come to Restore, Replenish, Rejuvenate, and Relax. All while learning about the kingdom of God, and what kingdom life looks like. Together, we can accomplish amazing things! And we can share in a harvest like no other!

Fundraising Projects

As we continue to build our website, we will post up our various projects in need of investment. Together, there is nothing that we can’t accomplish!
  1. $3,330.00 donated

Want to talk? Let`s do it!

6985 57th Street
Vero Beach, Florida 32967
Phone: +1 (772) 594-9660

Any Questions?

    Make An Eternal Investment

    Make An Eternal Investment

    The Bible shows us the eternal value of making kingdom minded investments in time. Eternity will reveal the fullness of divine dividends gained through our eternal investments. What an opportunity! Please consider partnering with us financially, or consider making a one time donation. You’ll be glad you did!
    Become A Volunteer

    Become A Volunteer

    Sowing your time, talent, and treasure is a great to expand the kingdom of God and experience the organic personal growth found in the resulting life giving relationships that will inevitably form as a result. You’ll grow & value time shared with others who’ll also see the importance and significance of contributing to causes greater than themselves.
    We Need Fundraisers Who Value Purpose

    We Need Fundraisers Who Value Purpose

    If your strength is making the right connections for helping to raise funding for undergirding projects with a greater vision and purpose, we sure could use your help. Acts2School is a non -profit ministry recognized by the IRS. Your donations are tax-deductible.